Unit-10 The Earth & Space: A Message from Another Planet: Class 9 English Exercise

A Message from Another Planet is The reading text of class 9 English. In this article we have published the exercise of A Message from Another Planet question answer and the grammar with writing.

Summary of A Message from Another Planet

Suren Majhi, a tired fisherman sitting on the sandy bank of the Sun Koshi River, witnesses a strange object in the distance. The object, resembling a saucer, lands about 50 meters away from him. Curious, Suren approaches and enters the object, finding himself in a room filled with control panels and flashing lights. A voice from the object reveals that they are beings from another planet who have been observing Earth and learning English through radio and television broadcasts.

They have chosen Suren, recognizing him as the best student in his school, to deliver an important message to Earth’s leaders. Suren doubts whether he will be taken seriously due to his humble background. The beings show Suren a vision of Earth’s dwindling resources and urge him to spread the message of setting up collection centers for recycling. To validate his experience, they give him an advanced computer as evidence. Suren returns home, contemplating whether it was all a dream, but finds the computer in his pocket, confirming the reality of the encounter.

Glossary of The Text

Bank /bæŋk/ (noun): The land along the edge of a river or lake.

Cans /kænz/ (noun): Metal containers, usually used for storing food or drinks.

Couch /kaʊtʃ/ (noun): A long, upholstered piece of furniture for seating.

Device /dɪˈvaɪs/ (noun): An object or machine designed for a particular purpose.

Diktel /ˈdɪktel/ (proper noun): A place or location, possibly a town or city.

Earth /ɜːrθ/ (noun): The planet we live on.

Frightened /ˈfraɪtnd/ (adjective): Feeling fear or scared.

Helicopter /ˈhɛlɪˌkɒptər/ (noun): A type of aircraft that lifts off vertically and is propelled by rotating blades.

Himalayas /ˌhɪməˈleɪəz/ (noun): A mountain range in Asia, located between the Indian subcontinent and the Tibetan Plateau.

Kid /kɪd/ (noun): A child or young person.

Land /lænd/ (noun): The surface of the Earth that is not covered by water.

Listening /ˈlɪs(ə)nɪŋ/ (noun): The act of paying attention and hearing what someone is saying.

Minutes /ˈmɪnɪts/ (noun): Units of time, equal to 60 seconds.

Nation /ˈneɪʃən/ (noun): A large group of people who share the same culture, language, or history and live in a particular country.

Noise /nɔɪz/ (noun): A sound, especially one that is loud, unpleasant, or disturbing.

Object /ˈɒbdʒɛkt/ (noun): A thing that can be seen or touched.

Planet /ˈplænɪt/ (noun): A large celestial body that orbits a star and does not produce light of its own.

Radio /ˈreɪdiəʊ/ (noun): The transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, especially those carrying sound messages.

Recorded /rɪˈkɔːdɪd/ (adjective): Captured or stored on a medium for later playback or analysis.

Recycled /riːˈsaɪkld/ (adjective): Processed or converted into a new form, often to be used again.

Resources /rɪˈsɔːrsɪz/ (noun): Supplies or materials that can be used to accomplish a purpose or meet a need.

River /ˈrɪvər/ (noun): A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another river.

Saucer /ˈsɔːsər/ (noun): A shallow, typically round dish that is used for holding or serving food.

Screen /skriːn/ (noun): The flat surface of a television, computer, or electronic device on which images and information are displayed.

Set up /sɛt ʌp/ (phrasal verb): To arrange or establish something.

Shape /ʃeɪp/ (noun): The form or outline of an object.

Ship /ʃɪp/ (noun): A large seagoing vessel.

Sit down /sɪt daʊn/ (phrasal verb): To take a seat or settle into a sitting position.

Sunkoshi /ˈsʌnˈkəʊʃiː/ (proper noun): A river mentioned in the text.

Tired /taɪəd/ (adjective): In need of rest or sleep; weary.

Twilight /ˈtwaɪlaɪt/ (noun): The soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, often occurring in the early evening or early morning.

Vessel /ˈvɛsəl/ (noun): A hollow container used to hold liquids or other substances.

Waste /weɪst/ (verb): To use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.

Widely-used /ˈwaɪdli juːzd/ (adjective): Used by many people; popular or common.

World /wɜːrld/ (noun): The Earth, together with all of its countries, peoples, and natural features.

A. Find the words from the story that are either opposite or similar to the words below.

a. dawn (opposite)- twilight

b. shining (similar)- flashing

c. took off (opposite)- landed

d. modern (similar)- advanced

e. descended (opposite)- ascended

f. great (similar) – enormous

B. Match the words with their meanings.

a. saucer- vi. a small shallow round dish that a cup stands on

b. a spaceship – iv. a vehicle that travels in space, carrying people

c. vessel- i. a ship or large boat

d. flashing- iii. short bursts of bright light

e. couch- ii. a long comfortable seat

f. broadcast- vii.to send out a programme on television or radio

g. appliance-v. a machine that is designed to do a particular thing in the home

C. Put the following events in the correct order.

I ➡ e. Suren had been fishing when he saw a bright object over the Sunkoshi River.

II ➡ b. The spaceship landed back on the bank of the Sunkoshi River. 

III   g. When Suren went closer to the vessel, he was pulled into it.

IV c. A voice welcomed him and asked to sit him on the couch.

V ➡ f. They wanted to send a message to the leader of Nepal and the world. 

VI ➡ a. They gave Suren a tiny computer. 

VII ➡ d. Suren wondered whether he had been dreaming.

D. Answer the following questions.

a. What did Suren think about the bright object at first?

⇒ Suren thought it might be a helicopter probably going to Diktel.

b. Where had Suren seen a spaceship before?

⇒ Suren had seen a spaceship in a movie before.

c. How did Suren feel when he was drawn inside the vessel?

⇒ Suren feels frightened and almost jumped when he was drawn inside the vessel.

d. How had they known about Suren?

⇒ They had known about Suren by using a long-distance listening device.

e. How do they manage resources on their planet?

⇒ On their planet, they manage all the resources by recycling them.

f. Why did Suren express his inability to deliver a message at first?

⇒ Suren expressed his inability to deliver a message at first because if he told people he had been in a spaceship they would probably think he was joking or, perhaps out of his mind.

g. What message did they want to pass on?

⇒ The message they wanted to pass on was that the recycling collection centres should be set up in every town and city on Earth, and cans, bottles, old household appliances, in fact, everything which is no longer in use, should be taken there and be recycled.

h. Why did they give Suren a tiny computer?

⇒ They gave Suren a tiny computer because it would prove that what he said was true.

i. Do you think people will believe Suren’s story? Give your reasons.

⇒ Yes, I think people will believe Suren’s story because the tiny computer is far more advanced than any found on Earth, and when it’s examined by a computer engineer.

Grammar I

A. Fill in the blanks with prepositions in, at or on.

  1. We will meet ……at….. the corner of the street on Sunday at 5: 00 pm.
  2. Phurba is studying English literature ……in……. Ratna Rajya Campus.
  3. The horses are grazing …in….. the field.
  4. Rima and Nakul got married …in……. Bhadrakali temple 10 years ago.
  5. What time did you arrive …at….. the hotel?
  6. Rachita lives ……in…….. England these days.
  7. The cat is somewhere …in…… the house.
  8. There is a picture of house …on…. Sheetal’s T-shirt.
  9. The instruction is …at…. the top of the page.
  10. The dog is sleeping …on…. the carpet.

B. Choose one of the words/phrases from the box and complete the sentences below using in, at or on.

[the air, a farm, school, prison, the airport, Shanti Chalchitra Hall, bed, hospital, the station]

Example: My train arrives at 4:30. Can you meet me at the station?

  1. I love Saturdays the most. I can stay ……in /on bed….. until eight.
  2. My favourite movie Pashupati Prasad is playing in Shanti Chalchitra Hall
  3. Many people are …in prison….. for the crime they committed.
  4. I like the village, especially the fresh air. I think I should work …on a farm ……. in….. my village.
  5. Did you make many friends when you were ……in school …….. ?
  6. Aryashila had an accident last month. She is still …in hospital……..
  7. It was not a long flight. We were ……at the airport…. for only 25 minutes.
  8. When our flight was delayed, we had to wait ……in the air…. for about two hours.


Imagine you have recently met someone from another planet and spent about an hour with him or her. Write an account describing your feelings and reactions.

Meeting someone from another planet was an experience beyond my wildest imagination. It felt like a dream come true, a moment that could redefine our understanding of the universe. As I spent an hour in the presence of this extraterrestrial being, my feelings and reactions swirled through a tumultuous whirlwind of awe, curiosity, and a hint of trepidation.

At first sight, I couldn’t help but be taken aback by the sheer otherworldliness of my new acquaintance. Their physical appearance defied all known human characteristics. Their skin had a luminescent quality, emitting a soft, ethereal glow that seemed to dance and shift in hues I had never witnessed before. The shape of their body was elegant, with elongated limbs and a graceful poise that conveyed a sense of profound wisdom.

As we exchanged greetings, my heart raced with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The extraterrestrial’s voice carried a soothing melody, resonating in a frequency that transcended the boundaries of human auditory range. It was as if every word they spoke was a symphony of sounds that reverberated deep within me, leaving me in awe of their advanced communication abilities.

During our conversation, I found myself bombarding them with a barrage of questions. Their patient and gentle demeanor encouraged my relentless curiosity. Each answer they provided was a revelation, challenging everything I thought I knew about the universe. They spoke of civilizations that spanned across galaxies, technology that could bend the fabric of spacetime, and a profound understanding of the cosmic forces that govern our existence.

As their words unfolded, I couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of humility. Here I was, a mere speck in the vast expanse of the cosmos, standing face to face with a being that possessed knowledge and wisdom far beyond our wildest dreams. The realization of our insignificance in the grand scheme of the universe humbled me, yet it also filled me with a sense of wonder and awe.

Throughout our interaction, I discovered that, despite the differences in our origins, there were similarities that transcended our contrasting worlds. The extraterrestrial displayed emotions and empathy, making me realize that, at our core, we were connected by our shared experiences as sentient beings.

As our time together drew to a close, a wave of bittersweet emotions washed over me. I was immensely grateful for the opportunity to meet this extraterrestrial, to glimpse the mysteries of the universe through their eyes. Yet, a tinge of sadness settled in, knowing that our paths might never cross again.

Meeting someone from another planet was a life-altering encounter, one that expanded my perspective on the vastness and diversity of the cosmos. It left me with a hunger for knowledge, a burning desire to explore the mysteries of the universe and to forge connections with beings beyond our own blue planet.